Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Lower Right (
672615.000, 5769885.000) ( 6d28'56.81"W, 52d 3'
555600.000, 5883450.000) (
8d10'10.68"W, 53d
The origin refers to the upper left coordinate (X and Y) of the image (see also
Sect. 3.1 ) . Together with the pixel size (inm), this information is sufficient to calculate
the locations for each pixel of the raster file. As a convention, the size in Y for
georeferenced images is negative (-30) to indicate that values in Y decrease from the
upper left pixel downwards. For X, values increase from the upper left pixel to the
right of the image, hence the positive value (30). The image corner coordinates and
center are listed in both projected (in m) and geographical coordinates (Lon, Lat).
TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2014:01:02 18:22:10
TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=pktools 2.5 by Pieter Kempeneers
Image Structure Metadata:
The next block of information refers to themetadata. This is textual data, structured
in the format of name
value pairs. They are split into named groups called domains,
with the default domain having no name (NULL or ””). The AREA_OR_POINT
metadata item is part of the default domain. It indicates whether a pixel value should
be assumed to represent a sampling over the region of the pixel (Area) or a point
sample at the center of the pixel (Point). Other metadata from the default domain are
the file name, the date and time of creation and details about the software. Information
about no-data values is also part of the default domain (not listed here). The image
has been compressed with the LZW algorithm as can be read from the metadata from
the image structure domain. The bands in the image are stored as band interleaved.
There is a special option -mdd domain used with gdalinfo to list metadata for
a specific domain.
Band 1 Block=7801x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
Band 2 Block=7801x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Band 3 Block=7801x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Band 12 Block=7801x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
The Landsat raster data contain 12bands, written as unsigned (16bit) integers in
blocks of 7,801 by 1 pixels (stripped as opposed to tiled see also Sect. 3.5 ) .
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