Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Command line switches are mostly invoked with a single dash ( - , also referred
to as short option) and sometimes with a double dash ( -- , also referred to as long
option). With a few exceptions ( for instance), GDAL reserves the
long options for “general” options. Unlike the utility specific options, the general
options are not related to one utility. They can be listed with the long help option
--help-general , preceded by any GDAL utility (e.g. gdalinfo ):
gdalinfo --help-general
Generic GDAL utility command options:
Report version of GDAL in use.
Report GDAL license info.
Report all configured format drivers.
—-format [format]
Details of one format.
—-optfile filename
Expand an option file into the argument list.
—-config key value
Set system configuration option.
—-debug [on/off/value]
Set debug level.
Wait for user input, time to attach debugger.
—-locale [locale]
Install locale for debugging (i.e. en_US.UTF-8).
Report detailed help on general options.
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