Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
boundary: String (0.0)
building: String (0.0)
craft: String (0.0)
geological: String (0.0)
historic: String (0.0)
land_area: String (0.0)
landuse: String (0.0)
leisure: String (0.0)
man_made: String (0.0)
military: String (0.0)
natural: String (0.0)
office: String (0.0)
place: String (0.0)
shop: String (0.0)
sport: String (0.0)
tourism: String (0.0)
other_tags: String (0.0)
For instance, we can easily add a second dataset to Spatialite database by issuing
the following command, which updates our SQLite database with the features from
a Shapefile called France_admin.shp . Note that the option -nln defines the
new layer name in the database:
ogr2ogr -f
-append myfile.sqlite
France_admin.shp -update -append -nln france_admin
One of the great advantages of Spatialite is that multiple layers and geometry
types can be stored in the one relational database. Furthermore, the fact that an array
of spatial functions can be used is also very efficient. For example, it is possible to
calculate the convex hull of the newly added layer, france_admin :
ogrinfo -dialect SQLite -sql "select ConvexHull(Geometry) from
france_admin" myfile.sqlite
ogrinfo -ro myfile.sqlite
INFO: Open of 'myfile.sqlite'
using driver 'SQLite' successful.
1: subset_ile_de_france (Polygon)
2: forest_select (Polygon)
3: france_admin (Polygon)
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