Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The data source to open. May be a filename, directory or other virtual name. See
the OGR Vector Formats list for supported datasources.
One or more layer names may be reported.
If no layer names are passed then ogrinfo will report a list of available layers
(and their layerwide geometry type). If layer name(s) are given then their extents,
coordinate system, feature count, geometry type, schema and all featuresmatching
query parameters will be reported to the terminal. If no query parameters are
provided, all features are reported. Geometries are reported in OGCWKT format.
To list the vector formats supported by your GDAL/OGR installation, type
ogrinfo --formats , which will output a full list of all of the supported formats
and related information. The text between the double quotes refers to an abbreviation
of the vector data format. The text between parentheses indicates if OGR can read
and/or write this format.
ogrinfo --formats
Supported Formats:
-> "ESRI Shapefile" ( read /write)
-> "MapInfo File" ( read /write)
-> "UK .NTF" ( readonly )
-> "SDTS" ( readonly )
-> "TIGER" ( read /write)
-> "S57" ( read /write)
-> "DGN" ( read /write)
-> "VRT" ( readonly )
-> "REC" ( readonly )
-> "Memory" ( read /write)
-> "BNA" ( read /write)
-> "CSV" ( read /write)
-> "GML" ( read /write)
-> "GPX" ( read /write)
-> "KML" ( read /write)
-> "GeoJSON" ( read /write)
-> "GMT" ( read /write)
-> "SQLite" ( read /write)
You should check that 'OSM' is listed to ensure that you will be able to follow
the subsequent examples and exercise. The GDAL installation on the OSGeo VM
provides this support by default, but if you have a customized installation of GDAL,
you may need to check your installation.
If you find that your installation does not include a specific format that you
require for your analysis, then you will need to customize your GDAL installation
by compiling and installing it from source. A brief explanation of this is provided in
Appendix B.2.
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