Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
data. PBF is an optimized binary format that is smaller in size than other formats
used for OSM data. In addition, we will introduce the Spatialite database format as
part of the examples.
2.3 ogrinfo
ogrinfo is the fundamental GDAL/OGRcommand line utility that returns informa-
tion and metadata of OGR supported vector spatial data. ogrinfo offers a number
of command line options and we will begin by a simple demonstration. To return the
summary help it suffices to append --help-general . This will print an overview
of the command line options and arguments in the shell. Throughout this section and
indeed the remainder of the topic, we will be taking a close look at the different
command line options. When you become more familiar with the tools, you may
only want to append --help to the command in order to return the command line
options and arguments.
As we mentioned previously, GDAL/OGR is licensed under the MIT/X license,
but to read the full license information in your terminal, you can type ogrinfo
--license , which details license those related to files within the GDAL/OGR
source tree. To check the version of GDAL/OGR that you are using, simply type
ogrinfo--version on the command line, which will indicate the GDAL library
version number with its release date. The help message of ogrinfo is as follows:
ogrinfo --help-general
Generic GDAL/OGR utility command options:
--version: report version of GDAL/OGR in use.
--license: report GDAL/OGR license info.
--formats: report all configured format drivers.
--optfile filename: expand an option file into the argument
--config key value: set system configuration option.
--debug [on/off/value]: set debug level.
--pause: wait for user input, time to attach debugger
--locale [locale]: install locale for debugging (i.e.
--help-general: report detailed help on general options.
ogrinfo [--help-general] [-ro] [-q] [-where restricted_where]
[-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-fid fid]
[-sql statement] [-dialect sql_dialect]
[-al] [-so] [-fields={YES/NO}]
datasource_name [layer [layer ...]]
The full list of the supported command line options and their explanations are
provided below as per the GDAL/OGR documentation.
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