Geoscience Reference
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We can check if both layers have indeed been created using the utility ogrinfo .
ogrinfo -so reference.sqlite
INFO: Open of 'reference.sqlite'
using driver 'SQLite' successful.
1: valid
2: border
With the reference sample being labeled, we can use the utility pkdiff (see
Sect. 12.6 ) to assess the accuracy of the forest maps (both unsupervised and super-
vised). First, we concentrate on the valid layer (i.e. no border pixels) only.
pkdiff -ln valid -ref reference.sqlite -i
LC82070232013_fmap_unsupervised_masked.tif -cm -nodata 0
-lr label
-lc class -o reference_fmap_unsupervised.sqlite
processing layer valid
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
1 8 6
class #samples userAcc
67 (12.8) 52 (6.9)
97 (3.3)
98 (0.4)
Kappa: 0.56
Overall Accuracy: 96 (0.7)
-ln valid
Name of the layer to select.
-ref reference.sqlite
Name of the labeled reference vector dataset.
-i LC82070232013_fmap_unsupervised_masked.tif
Name of the input raster dataset.
Report with a confusion matrix.
-nodata 0
Do not take 0 values in input raster dataset into account.
-lr label
Name of the attribute for reference label in reference vector dataset.
-lc class
Name of the new attribute for classified label (map) in output vector dataset.
-o reference_fmap_unsupervised.sqlite
Name of output vector dataset.
Though the overall accuracy is 96%, there is need for improvement. This becomes
clear when we look at the confusion matrix in more detail. It shows the reference
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