Geoscience Reference
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50 km
Fig. 17.3 Forest/non-forest training vector
17.2.3 Add Band Attributes
We must prepare the training sample for the classification utility implemented in
pktools ( pksvm ) by adding information from the satellite image bands. Using
pkextract we will add the attributes for the band information to the Spatialite
vector file that we created above. We will calculate the median value in each band
and each selected polygon. Other choices are valid too, but a nice feature of the
median is that it is less affected by outlier pixels than, for instance, the average.
pkextract -i LC82070232013_features.tif -s training.sqlite -r
median -polygon -bndnodata 0 -srcnodata 0 -t 50 -f SQLite
-o training_features.sqlite
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