Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Part I
Geospatial Data Processing with
This part deals with vector and raster data processing, exclusively using the OGR
and GDAL utilities. Chapter 1 begins with an introduction to the fundamental
concepts of geospatial data. Some of the material covered can serve as a quick
reminder, but it will serve to present the conventions used throughtout the topic.
Chapter 2 focuses on the OGR command line utilities for vector data manipulation
and processing. We begin with a brief overview of some of the common vector
formats and then continue by introducing the command line utilities to manage
projections, spatial extents as well as querying and
ltering geospatial data.
11 we discuss the GDAL utilities, grouped into seven categories.
Chapter 5 introduces command line utilities to manipulate raster data, dealing with
format conversion, image resolutions, and spatial and spectral subsetting. Indexed
color images and related GDAL utilities are presented in Chap. 6 . In Chap. 7 we
cover image tiling, which is a powerful technique to improve the performance of
serving raster data using Web services (e.g., OGC Web Map Service). This is
especially useful when accessing large data volumes. In Chap. 8 we revisit image
projections and cover reprojections and image merging (mosaicing). Utilities
relating raster to vector and raster to point data are discussed in Chaps. 9 and 10
respectively. This can be converting vector and points to a raster or the other way
around. More in general, we also discuss utilities to
In Chaps. 4
ll empty points, calculate the
distance to a target point, and
lter small objects in a raster
le. Finally, Chap. 11 is
dedicated to virtual rasters and raster calculations.
The highlights of the
rst Part of the topic are to:
Provide a theoretical background to vector and raster processing;
Process and manipulate OpenStreetMap using OGR;
Demonstrate how Spatialite can be used to store and manipulate vector spatial
Present a detailed set of examples focusing on the OGR and GDAL command
line utilities.
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