Geoscience Reference
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Nodata value to put where image is masked as nodata (default: 0).
Band index (starting from 0, either use band option or use start to end).
Start band sequence number (default: 0).
End band sequence number (set to 0 to include all bands) (default: 0).
Balance the input data to this number of samples for each class (default: 0).
If number of training pixels is less then min, do not take this class into account
(0: consider all classes) (default: 0).
Number of bootstrap aggregations (default: 1).
Percentage of features used from available training features for each bootstrap
aggregation (one size for all classes, or a different size for each class respectively
(default: 100).
How to combine bootstrap aggregation classifiers (0: sum rule, 1: product rule,
2: max rule). Also used to aggregate classes with rc option. (default: 0).
Output for each individual bootstrap aggregation.
Probability image.
Prior probability image (multi-band img with band for each class).
Offset value for each spectral band input features: refl[band]=(DN[band]-
offset[band])/scale[band] (default: 0).
Scale value for each spectral band input features: refl=(DN[band]-offset
[band])/scale[band] (use 0 if scale min and max in each band to -1.0 and 1.0)
(default: 0).
Type of SVM (C_SVC, nu_SVC,one_class, epsilon_SVR, nu_SVR) (default:
Type of kernel function (linear,polynomial,radial,sigmoid) (default: radial).
Degree in kernel function (default: 3).
Coef0 in kernel function (default: 0).
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