Geoscience Reference
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Output sample dataset.
Class(es) to extract from input sample image. Leave empty to extract all valid
data pixels from sample dataset. Make sure to set classes if rule is set to mode or
Probability threshold for selecting samples (randomly). Provide probability in
percentage (
0). Use a single threshold for vector sample
datasets. If using raster land cover maps as a sample dataset, you can provide a
threshold value for each class (e.g. -t 80 -t 60). Use value 100 to select all pixels
for selected class(es) (default: 100).
Output sample dataset format (default: SQLite).
Field type (only Real or Integer) (default: Real).
Label type: In16 or String (default: Integer).
Create OGRPolygon as geometry instead of OGRPoint. (default: false).
Band index(es) to extract. Leave empty to use all bands.
Rule how to report image information per feature (only for vector sample). Point
(extract value at each point covered by sample or at centroid if option -polygon is
set), centroid, mean, stdev, median, proportion, min, max, mode, sum. (default:
Band(s) in input image to check if pixel is valid (used for srcnodata) (default: 0).
Invalid value(s) for input image.
(absolute) threshold for selecting samples in each polygon.
Test sample dataset (use this option in combination with threshold
0) or absolute (
100 to
create a training (output) and test set.
For single band input data, this extra attribute name will correspond to the raster
values. For multi-band input data, multiple attributes with this prefix will be
added (e.g. b0, b1, b2, etc.) (default: b).
Name of the class label in the output vector dataset (default: label).
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