Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Currently pktools only supports image formats for which the GDAL API driver
implements a “Create” method. This excludes sequential write once formats such
as JPEG and PNG for which only a “CreateCopy” is implemented (see also
Sect. 14.3.4 ) . To overcome this limitation it is possible to convert the image
format using gdal_translate . Coordinate transformations are not supported.
You can use gdalwarp for that. You do can assign a projection with the option
-a_srs , followed by the coordinate reference system as epsg:<code> (see
Sect. 3.1 ) .
12.2 pkcomposite
The utility pkcomposite can be used to mosaic and composite multiple (georef-
erenced) raster datasets. As explained in Sect. 8.1 , a mosaic can merge images with
different geographical extents into a single larger image. Compositing resolves the
overlapping pixels according to some rule (e.g. the median of all overlapping pixels).
This utility is complementary to GDAL, which currently does not support a compos-
ite step. 3 Input datasets can have different bounding boxes and spatial resolution.
Usage: pkcomposite -i input [-i input]* -o output
Options:[-b band]* [-dx xres] [-dy yres] [-e vector] [-ulx ULX
-uly ULY -lrx LRX -lry LRY] [-cr rule] [-cb band]
[-srcnodata value] [-bndnodata band] [-min value] [-max
value] [-dstnodata value] [-r resampling_method] [-ot
{Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float32 /
Float64 / CInt16 / CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}] [-of
format] [-co NAME=VALUE]* [-a_srs epsg:number]
Advanced options:
[-file] [-w weight]* [-c class]* [-ct colortable] [-d
Input image file(s). If input contains multiple images, a multi-band output is
Output image file.
band index(es) to crop (leave empty if all bands must be retained).
Output resolution in x (in meter) (empty: keep original resolution).
Output resolution in y (in meter) (empty: keep original resolution).
3 The utilities gdalwarp and do support a mosaic.
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