Geoscience Reference
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to change the SimpleSource tags to KernelFilteredSource and add the Kernel. To
implement a simple 3
3 average (smoothing) filter, just replace all kernel coefficients
to 0
111. Some image viewers such as openev and Quantum GIS can open the VRT
file to view the results directly. To convert the filtered virtual raster to a real raster,
you can use the gdal_translate utility.
The Python script allows you to perform raster calculations from
the command line. The raster arguments must have the same spatial dimension in
order to perform the pixel by pixel operations. Both arithmetic (
+ , , ,/
) and log-
ical operations (
) are supported. Logical operations can be combined using
logical_or and logical_and statements. You should take care of selecting
the appropriate output data type to hold the result using the option --type . Existing
output files can only be overwritten if the option --overwrite is set.
<, = ,>
Usage: [-A <filename>] [--A_band] [-B...-Z
filename] [other_options] --calc
Show this help message and exit.
Calculation in gdalnumeric syntax using
/* or any numpy array functions
(i.e. logical_and()).
-A A
Input gdal raster file, note you can use any letter A-Z.
Number of raster band for file A.
Output file to generate or fill.
Set output nodatavalue (Defaults to datatype specific values).
Set datatype must be one of ['Int32', 'Int16', 'Float64', 'UInt16', 'Byte',
'UInt32', 'Float32'].
GDAL format for output file (default 'GTiff').
Passes a creation option to the output format driver. Multipleoptions may be listed.
See format specific documentation for legalcreation options for each format.
Overwrite output file if it already exists.
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