Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Usage: gdalbuildvrt [-tileindex field_name] [-resolution
{highest|lowest|average|user}] [-te xmin ymin xmax ymax]
[-tr xres yres] [-tap] [-separate] [-b band] [-sd
subdataset] [-allow_projection_difference] [-q]
[-addalpha] [-hidenodata] [-srcnodata "value [value...]"]
[-vrtnodata "value [value...]"]
[-a_srs srs_def]
[-input_file_list my_liste.txt] [-overwrite] output.vrt
Use the specified value as the tile index field, instead of the default value with is
-resolution highest|lowest|average|user
In case the resolution of all input files is not the same, the -resolution flag enables
the user to control the way the output resolution is computed. 'average' is the
default. 'highest' will pick the smallest values of pixel dimensions within the set
of source rasters. 'lowest' will pick the largest values of pixel dimensions within
the set of source rasters. 'average' will compute an average of pixel dimensions
within the set of source rasters. 'user' is new in GDAL 1.7.0 and must be used in
combination with the -tr option to specify the target resolution.
-tr xres yres
(from GDAL 1.7.0) set target resolution. The values must be expressed in georef-
erenced units. Both must be positive values. Specifying those values is of course
incompatible with highest—lowest—average values for -resolution option.
(from GDAL 1.8.0) (target aligned pixels) align the coordinates of the extent of
the output file to the values of the -tr, such that the aligned extent includes the
minimum extent.
-te xmin ymin xmax ymax
(from GDAL 1.7.0) set georeferenced extents of VRT file. The values must be
expressed in georeferenced units. If not specified, the extent of the VRT is the
minimum bounding box of the set of source rasters.
(from GDAL 1.7.0) Adds an alpha mask band to the VRT when the source raster
have none. Mainly useful for RGB sources (or grey-level sources). The alpha
band is filled on-the-fly with the value 0 in areas without any source raster, and
with value 255 in areas with source raster. The effect is that a RGBA viewer
will render the areas without source rasters as transparent and areas with source
rasters as opaque. This option is not compatible with -separate.
(from GDAL 1.7.0) Even if any band contains no-data value, giving this option
makes the VRT band not report the No-Data. Useful when you want to control
the background color of the dataset. By using along with the -addalpha option,
you can prepare a dataset which doesn't report no-data value but is transparent
in areas with no data.
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