Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Height (m)
500 1000 m
500 1000 m
Fig. 10.5 Hillshade applied to Mount St. Helens using gdaldem . a Digital surface model.
b Hillshade visualization mode
-alt altitude
altitude of the light, in degrees. 90 if the light comes from above the DEM, 0 if it
is raking light.
-combined combined shading
(from GDAL 1.10) a combination of slope and oblique shading.
An example of the hillshade visualization mode is shown in Fig. 10.5 . The altitude
of the light source is set to 50 .
gdaldem hillshade -alt 50 st-helens_dsm_10m.tif
10.6.2 Slope
Slope is an analysismode tomeasure the slope (steepness) of the terrain by comparing
the elevation of each pixel to its neighboring pixels (in a 3
3 window). The output
is in degrees or percentage (option -p ) and stored as a Float32. You can scale the
vertical units (elevation). The no-data value is fixed to
If specified, the slope will be expressed as percent slope. Otherwise, it is expressed
as degrees
-s scale
ratio of vertical units to horizontal. If the horizontal unit of the source DEM is
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