Geoscience Reference
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453945 5828055
484665 5828055
515385 5828055
546105 5828055
576825 5828055
607545 5828055
The following code snippet iterates the text file, reading the locations line by line.
The loop is implemented using theBash commands cat , while and read . Here, we
opt for a simple three column output (X Y value). We prefer gdallocationinfo
not to print the standard multi-line output for each location and use the option
-valonly . The location has been read in the variables X and Y and can be printed
with the echo command from Bash. We want to print the pixel value on the same
line, so we omit a new line character after the location by using the option -n .
cat locations.txt | while read XY; do
echo -n "$X $Y "
gdallocationinfo -b 1 -valonly -geoloc image.tif $X $Y
453945 5828055 10417
484665 5828055 10635
515385 5828055 10228
546105 5828055 10457
576825 5828055 10157
607545 5828055 10014
The Python script converts a GDAL supported raster into ASCII
text. By default, all grid cell values are reported. You can restrict the output by
skipping a number of rows and columns (use the option -skip ). You can also select
a spatial subset with the option -scrwin . The output is written to stdout (screen),
unless a destination (ASCII) file is provided as the last argument.
Usage: [-skip factor] [-srcwin xoff yoff width
height]') [-band b] [-csv] srcfile [dstfile]')
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