Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
-ot type
For the output bands to be of the indicated data type.
-of format
Select the output format. The default is GeoTIFF (GTiff). Use the short format
-txe xmin xmax
Set georeferenced X extents of output file to be created.
-tye ymin ymax
Set georeferenced Y extents of output file to be created.
-outsize xsize ysize
Set the size of the output file in pixels and lines.
-a_srs srs_def
Override the projection for the output file. The srs_def may be any of the usual
GDAL/OGR forms, complete WKT, PROJ.4, EPSG:n or a file containing the WKT.
-zfield field_name
Identifies an attribute field on the features to be used to get a Z value from. This
value overrides Z value read from feature geometry record (naturally, if you have a
Z value in geometry, otherwise you have no choice and should specify a field name
containing Z value).
-a [algorithm[:parameter1=value1][:parameter2=value2]...]
Set the interpolation algorithm or data metric name and (optionally) its parameters.
discussion of available options.
-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax
Adds a spatial filter to select only features contained within the bounding box
described by (xmin, ymin) - (xmax, ymax).
-clipsrc [xmin ymin xmax ymax]|WKT|datasource|spat_extent
Adds a spatial filter to select only features contained within the specified bounding
box (expressed in source SRS), WKT geometry (POLYGON or MULTIPOLY-
GON), from a datasource or to the spatial extent of the -spat option if you use the
spat_extent keyword. When specifying a datasource, you will generally want to use
it in combination of the -clipsrclayer, -clipsrcwhere or -clipsrcsql options.
-clipsrcsql sql_statement
Select desired geometries using an SQL query instead.
-clipsrclayer layername
Select the named layer from the source clip datasource.
-clipsrcwhere expression
Restrict desired geometries based on attribute query.
-l layername
Indicates the layer(s) from the datasource that will be used for input features. May
be specified multiple times, but at least one layer name or a -sql option must be
-where expression
An optional SQL WHERE style query expression to be applied to select features to
process from the input layer(s).
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