Database Reference
In-Depth Information
First panel - Users Tweeting about @user (Without
Direct RTs or Direct Replies)
The first panel of the dashboard will look something like the following screenshot, if you
have used the popular username @justinbieber :
Twitter Per-User Activity for @justinbieber
The search commands used to create this panel are as follows:
index=twitter justinbieber NOT retweeted_status.user.screen_name=justinbieber
NOT in_reply_to_screen_name=justinbieber
| fields entities.user_mentions{}.screen_name user.followers_count text
| rename entities.user_mentions{}.screen_name as mentions
| mvexpand mentions
| search mentions=justinbieber
| stats sum(user.followers_count) as Impressions max(user.followers_count) as Follow-
ers count as Tweets values(text) as "Tweet Text" by user.screen_name
| sort 20 -Impressions
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