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dimensionality discriminative common vectors (DCVs) can be then computed
as Ω j = W T x j . When new (test) data, x , is to be classified, it can get projected
as W T x and then appropriately compared to Ω j in order to be recognized.
Even after several improvements that can be applied [11,2], the computational
burden associated to this procedure is dominated by the eigendecomposition of
S X and leads to a cost in O ( M 3 + dM 2 ), where is a constant related to the
iterative methods used for EVD.
2.2 DCV through Orthonormalization
An alternative and more ecient way of computing an equivalent projection
requires the use of Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization (GSO) instead of EVD.
Let B X R ( M−c ) be a matrix whose columns are given by difference vectors
x j
x 1
,where j =1 ,...,c ,and i =2 ,...,M j . It can be shown that the range
subspace of S X
and the subspace spanned by
B X are the same. Therefore, a
R d×r can be computed using the r base vectors obtained from
B X through GSO. This mapping can equivalently substitute the mapping U in
Equation 1 to compute the same common vectors.
The difference common vectors,
mapping Θ
B com
=[( x 2
x 1
... ( x com
x 1
R ( c− 1) ,
can now be computed and a linear mapping to a reduced space is obtained from
B com
using GSO. The composition of this mapping with the previous one leads
to a linear mapping, Ψ , equivalent (but different in general) to the composite
mapping in the previous section, W . This mapping represents the same subspace
as W given that WW T = ΨΨ T .
As in the previous case, the cost of obtaining the reduced mapping can be
neglected with regard to the cost of computing the projection Θ that amounts
to O ( dM 2 ).
Incrementally Computing Discriminative Common
Both basic algorithms in the previous section have a first phase in which pro-
jections ( U or Θ ) are obtained in order to apply Equation 1. And a second one
in which a definitive mapping ( W or Ψ ) is obtained. From an algorithmic view-
point, the second phase mimics the first one at a much smaller scale in both
cases. Consequently, only details about the first phase will be given here.
Y∈ R d×N be the currently available
training set (new incoming data) consisting of N j
vectors from each of the c
R ( M + N ) .
classes. And let
Incremental DCV through EVD
would require eigendecomposing S Z
Basic DCV method on
first in order to
use Equation 1 to compute the common vectors and go forward. To avoid this,
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