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because without further clues, we identify the person's location as the object
location he/she is interacting with. However, in practice the object is usually a
short distance away from the person. But still the results are helpful to indicate
the objects and their location in the environment. Note that in front of the sofa,
there is a region misclassified as TV. This is because the algorithm generously
considers all grids along the gaze direction are possible TV locations. While some
grids are identified as other objects if other activities happened there, some (like
this region) have not been attended by the person. Therefore they retained the
hypothesis of being TV. This also explains the low precision of TV. Further
observations on this region would help resolve its identity.
In this paper we described a system to recognize objects in the smart home
environment with camera network. The objects are recognized through object-
activity interactions. A hierarchical activity recognition process is described,
which provides fine-grained activities. The object-activity relationship is en-
coded in the knowledge base of MLN. We described the details of the knowledge
base and inference process. Experiments are shown in the AIR lab smart home
environment. Future work includes combining the position-based object type
inference with image segmentation for better localization of objects.
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7. Gupta, A., Davis, L.: Objects in action: An approach for combining action un-
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