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present in the interpretation result. This metric has been chosen according to
the comparative study conducted in [18] on the performances of 33 localization
metrics face to different alterations like translation, scale change, rotation... The
obtained localization score ranges from 0 to 1, 0 corresponding to a perfect
recovery between the two objects and consequently to a perfect localization.
We can note that all the matched objects are quite well localized obtaining
low scores, the poorest score 0.065 corresponding to the second object of the
interpretation result, namely the lonely person. The evaluation of the recognition
part consists in comparing the class of the object in the ground truth and in the
interpretation result. This comparison can be done in different ways. A distance
matrix between each class present in the database can be for example provided,
which would enable to precisely evaluate recognition mistakes. On an other way,
numerous real systems track one specific class of objects and do not tolerate
some approximation in the recognition step. They work in an all or nothing
scheme. S rec ( I gt ,I i ,u,v ) = 0 if classes are the same and 1 otherwise. It is the
case in the developped human detection system where all detections correspond
de facto to the right class, namely a human. The recognition evaluation matrix
containing only ones, the misclassification is then indirectly highly penalized
through the over and under-detection compensation. As we have to maintain an
important weight for the penalization of bad localization, we choose a high value
of the α parameter ( α =0 . 8). We finally compute the local interpretation score
S ( u, v ) between two matched objects as a combination of the localization and
the recognition scores:
S ( u, v )= α
S loc ( I gt ,I i ,u,v )+(1
α )
S rec ( I gt ,I i ,u,v )
The third step is the compensation one. Working on the assignment matrix,
empty rows or columns are tracked and completed. In our example, there is no
empty column meaning that all objects of the interpretation result have been
matched with at least one object of the ground truth. There is consequently no
over-detection. On the other hand, one row (2) is empty; one object of the ground
truth has not been detected. This under-detection is compensated adding one
column with score 1 at the corresponding line.
Finally, the global interpretation score is computed, taking into account the
compensation stage and averaging the local interpretation scores.
4 Evaluation of Human Detection Algorithms
In order to evaluate the detection methods presented in section 2, we realized
a set of reference scenarios corresponding to the specific needs expressed by
the industrial partners involved in the CAPTHOM project. An extract of a
scenario example is presented in figure 3. At each location, a set of characteristics
(temperature, speed, posture, activity...) is associated with the formalism defined
within the CAPTHOM project [19].
The three classes of scenarios from which we have built the evaluation dataset
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