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could appear to match perfectly the source image to the target image, such
that all features overlap, but the transformation calculated may be com-
pletely wrong. For example, in intrasubject registration, a transformation
might stretch some parts of the image and compress others to make struc-
tures appear to line up even if the underlying tissue is incompressible. In
intersubject registration, an algorithm might warp structures in one image
so they appear to line up with corresponding structures in a second image
of a different subject, but the calculated transformation might be inappropri-
ate for comparing functional regions identified from the two subjects. At its
current stage of maturity, nonrigid registration algorithms should be used
with care, especially where it is desirable to use the calculated transforma-
tion for secondary purposes such as understanding tissue deformation or
studying variability between subjects.
Daniel Rueckert was a research fellow at the Computational Imaging Science
Group, Department of Radiological Sciences at King's College London when
most of this work was performed. He was supported by EPSRC project grant
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