Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Astrocytoma grade III in a 42-year-old male examined with IV Gadodiamide (a) and again
one month later (b), with subtraction of (a) from (b) shown in image (c). The increase in
image size can be seen on the aligned source images, but the extent of the mass effect is
better seen in (c) (arrow). Positive and negative interplateau shifts are seen around the right
lateral ventricle. Border zone shifts are seen on the right hemisphere. Smaller negative
interplateau shifts are seen at the ventricular margins on the left, as well as more subtle
border zone shifts anteriorly and posteriorly within the left hemisphere.
Astrocytoma: T1-weighted scans before (a) and six weeks after (b) treatment with Temozo-
lamide; (c) difference image. Most of the tumor has decreased in size and shortened its T1
following treatment (long arrow) but some has progressed (short arrow).
The first study with CT showing ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia
was published 20 years ago. It was a cross-sectional study. Longitudinal
studies without registration have shown no change in the brain with CT, and
increase in size of the caudate nucleus in patients treated with antipsychotics.
Using registration, atrophic changes were demonstrated in the five first-
episode schizophrenics who were studied six months apart (Figure 7.27).
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