Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Neonatal infarction: T1-weighted scan at 4 weeks (a) and at 14 weeks (b), with registered
difference image (c). The highlighted area in (c) (arrow) shows that growth in the brain
adjacent to the infarction has been more rapid than elsewhere.
Adult infarction: T1-weighted scans 1 week after infarction (a) and 12 months after (b). The
registered difference image (c) shows the infarct (arrow) as a low signal area and dilatation
of the adjacent lateral ventricles.
of gliosis (long T1 and T2), and followed the configuration of the brain. It may
provide an anatomical substrate for neurological plasticity.
7.12 Adult Infarction
Registration can be used to detect subclinical infarction 20 and show atrophic
changes associated with the lesion. The development of an infarct with adja-
cent ventricular dilatation is shown in Figure 7.21. The technique may also be
of value in distinguishing infarction from low-grade glioma and in serial
studies. 21
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