Agriculture Reference
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crossing purposes, etc.), and identify germplasms (to avoid false labeling of crops with the
name of a superior variety or a particular brand name) are required.
Figure 1. SDS-PAGE profiles of total proteins and 11S and 7S protein fractions from seven soybean
varieties. Figure 1A: lane 1, Vinton-81; 2: S-20F8; 3: HP-204; 4: IA-2034; 5: Steyer; 6: IA-2020; 7: S-
2020. Figure 1B: lanes 1 and 2: 11S and 7S protein fractions from Vinton-81; 3 and 4: S-20F8; 5 and 6:
HP-204; 7 and 8: IA-2034; 9 and 10: Steyer; 11 and 12: IA-2020; 13 and 14: S-2020 (from Mujoo et
al., with permission).
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