Agriculture Reference
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Xu, X.M.,Berrie, A.M., 2005. Epidemiology of mycotoxigenic fungi associated with
Fusarium ear blight and apple blue mould: A review. Food Additives & Contaminants:
Part A, 22(4): 290 - 301.
Xu, X.M., Nicholson, P.,Ritieni, A., 2007. Effects of fungal interactions among Fusarium
head blight pathogens on disease development and mycotoxin accumulation.
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 119(1-2): 67-71.
Yang, J., Bai, G.,Shaner, G., 2005. Novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head
blight resistance in wheat cultivar Chokwang. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics,
111(8): 1571-1579.
Yu, J.B., Bai, G.H., Zhou, W.C., Dong, Y.H.,Kolb, F.L., 2008. Quantitative trait loci for
Fusarium head blight resistance in a recombinant inbred population of
Wangshuibai/Wheaton. Phytopathology, 98(1): 87-94.
Yuen, G.Y.,Schoneweis, S.D., 2007. Strategies for managing Fusarium head blight and
deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat. International Journal of Food Microbiology,
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Zhang, X., Zhou, M., Ren, L., Bai, G., Ma, H., Scholten, O.E., Guo, P.,Lu, W., 2004.
Molecular characterization of Fusarium head blight resistance from wheat variety
Wangshuibai. Euphytica, 139(1): 59-64.
Zhu, H., Gilchrist, L., Hayes, P., Kleinhofs, A., Kudrna, D., Liu, Z., Prom, L., Steffenson, B.,
Toojinda, T.,Vivar, H., 1999. Does function follow form? Principal QTLs for Fusarium
head blight (FHB) resistance are coincident with QTLs for inflorescence traits and plant
height in a doubled-haploid population of barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,
99(7-8): 1221-1232.
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