Biology Reference
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Fig. 1. Lipid molecules of biological membranes and phases of the membrane
lipids. ( A ) The major classes of biological membrane lipids are phospholipids
(glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelin), glycosphingolipids, and cholesterol.
Acyl chains of sphingolipids (sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids) are satu-
rated, whereas an acyl chain of glycerophospholipids is usually kinked by a cis
double bond (unsaturated). ( B ) Lipid bilayers composed predominantly of
glycerophospholipids are highly fluid as proposed by the fluid mosaic model, 1
where lipid molecules reside in a liquid-crystalline (lc) (or liquid-disordered)
phase. With cholesterol, sphingolipids become highly ordered but retain their
lateral and rotational mobility, residing in a liquid-ordered (lo) phase. Lipid
molecules of raft microdomains are thought to be in a lo or a lo-like phase.
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