Biology Reference
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Fig. 4. Schematic depiction of HAstV nonstructural polyproteins nsP1a
and nsP1b, and proposed proteolytic processing pathway. Predicted trans-
membrane helices (TM), nuclear localization signal (NLS), immunoreactive
epitope (IRE), coiled-coil structures (CC), predicted death domain (DD),
hyper-variable region (HVR), KKXX-like endoplasmic reticulum retention
signal (ER), protease motif, RNA polymerase motif, and putative RNA heli-
case and VPg motifs are shown. Inverted arrowheads denote putative cleav-
age sites dependent on unknown cellular proteases (?), and the viral protease
(pro). White boxes represent intermediate products, while grey boxes repre-
sent the final products. See text for details. Amino acid positions are num-
bered according to HAstV-1 Oxford reference strain (accession no. L23513).
proteases of other plus-stranded RNA viruses, including rabbit hem-
orrhagic disease virus and feline calicivirus, 11 with the substitution of
a serine for a cysteine at the third catalytic amino acid residue (His 461 ,
Asp 489 , and Ser 551 ). Some of the amino acid residues involved in sub-
strate binding involve Thr 546 and His 566 . 11,46
Several transmembrane helices (TM) have been identified at the
N-terminus of nsP1a. Although the exact number varies among
different studies, 11,20 it is believed that these TMs are responsible for
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