Biology Reference
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Fig. 1.
Hantaviral replication cycle.
and vRNA are immediately encapsidated by the N protein. Gn and
Gc proteins are translated from the same M mRNA, translocated
to ER, cotranslationally cleaved by signal peptidases, glycosylated,
and transported to the Golgi complex or to the plasma membrane,
the places of hantavirus maturation and budding. Three viral RNPs,
together with the L protein, become included in the budding
enveloped particles as well, and the first hantavirus particles are
released within 24 h p.i. 7
Like nucleoproteins of other NSRVs, hantavirus N protein is a
multifunctional molecule with both housekeeping and ambassadorial
duties (for a review, see Kaukinen et al. , 2005 8 ). It plays a crucial role
in the viral RNA replication and encapsidation and also in the virus
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