Biology Reference
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Fig. 8. Theoretical and empirical (mutant pRNA P8/P4) plot of % mutant
RNA the log of yield of infectious virion in in vitro phage assembly assays,
expressed as PFU (right) /ml or normalized (left). Predictions were made
with Eq. (1), supposing that the total pRNA stoichiometry, Z , per procapsid
is equal to 12, and the minimal number, X , of the bound mutant pRNA
required to block DNA packaging is 1 to 12, respectively. Since we look at
the slope other than the height of the curves, not a single theoretical curve
could match with the empirical curve, indicating that all the hypothesized
stoichiometries are incorrect. (Adapted from Ref. 107, with permission from
the author and the publisher, American Society for Microbiology.)
type. The total concentration of components involved in the inter-
mediate reaction can vary due to degradation or aggregation.
Determination of Stoichiometry by
Slopes of Log/Log Plot Curves for
Concentration Versus Yield
The basis for designing this method is that the slope of the curve in
the log/log plot of the concentration versus the product for each
component is the intrinsic parameter reflecting the stoichiometry of
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