Biology Reference
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Fig. 3. Theoretical plot of % mutant the yield. Predictions were made with
Eq. (1), supposing that the total stoichiometry, Z , is equal to 12, and the
minimal number, X , of the bound mutant required to block the activity is 1
to 12, respectively.
Linear dsDNA viruses package their genome into a preformed
procapsid. 3,5,55 The packaging motor involves a dodecameric protein
connector 109-112 and two nonstructural components with certain char-
acteristics typical of ATPase. 113 In bacterial virus phi29, these two
nonstructural components are gp16 (a protein) 113,114 and pRNA. 115
Both of them have ATPase activity required for DNA encapsida-
tion, 113,116-118 and a small (120-base) viral RNA (pRNA) also plays an
essential role in the process. 115,119 Phylogenetic analyses of the virus-
encoded pRNAs 115,119 from other phages show similar secondary
structures. 120,121 Mg ++ induces a refolding of pRNA. This conforma-
tional change confers the pRNA to bind to the portal vertex (the site
on procapsids where DNA packaging occurs) of procapsids. 122
Approximately six pRNAs are attached to procapsids purified from
infected cells, 123 although the number required for DNA packaging is
unknown. The pRNA appears to leave the procapsid after DNA pack-
aging is completed (i.e. before tail assembly) 124 and accomplish the
DNA translocation process by their sequential action (Fig. 4). 125
pRNA contains two functional domains (Fig. 5). The procapsid
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