Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 3. A sample PathInfo document. PathInfo documents contain manu-
ally curated background information on a pathogen. The document is
available both in the HTML and PIML formats at the PathPort website
be added at PathPort also holds day-long
workshops all over the country to provide hands-on training to mem-
bers of the scientific community.
Summary and Conclusion
The PATRIC and PathPort projects have been established to facilitate
research on the host-pathogen-environment triangle. Both projects
have been set up as part of the federal government's initiatives on
biodefense. The overarching goal of both PATRIC and PathPort is to
provide infectious disease researchers with centralized and integrated
portals of information that will facilitate the development of novel
therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics for known biothreat agents.
Both projects have been developed on a flexible infrastructure that
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