Geoscience Reference
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which they may unfold requires careful manage-
ment. Extravagant claims based on a new and still
incomplete knowledge base will only prove coun-
terproductive. A cautious approach, building upon
growing credible scientii c observation and experi-
ments leading to reliable conclusions, might be
seen as too defensive, especially when policymak-
ers and stakeholders demand instant answers with
dei nite conclusions and predictions. It is clear that
open, well-informed responses, couched in terms
that the various stakeholder groups can under-
stand, based on knowledge rather than supposi-
tion, is paramount. Dialogue through initiatives
such as the RUG concept has proved to be immedi-
ately useful, and is obviously an effective commu-
nication vehicle. Above all, scientists involved in
ocean acidii cation research should 'stick to what
they know best' and avoid being pressured into
predicting the future, and advocacy regarding poli-
cymaking. Ocean acidii cation studies are still in
their infancy, but the phenomenon is real and has
the potential for widespread and signii cant effects
that will have an impact on humans. Scientists,
policymakers, and stakeholders must work together
to understand the broader implications, and coop-
erate to overcome the threats that ocean acidii ca-
tion poses to human society.
acidii cation on the larval development of the European
lobster, Homarus gammarus
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i sheries. Environmental Research Letters , 4 , 1-8.
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13.10 Acknowledgements
This work is a contribution to the 'European Project
on Ocean Acidii cation' (EPOCA) which received
funding from the European Community's Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under
grant agreement no. 211384 and to the 'UK Ocean
Acidii cation Research Programme' which is funded
by NERC, Defra, and DECC (grant number ME5201).
Our thanks to Dawn Ashby, Kelly-Marie Davidson,
and Jessica Heard from Plymouth Marine Laboratory
for help with drawing and researching the i gures.
Angelsen, A. (2008). Moving ahead with REDD: issues,
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Arnold, K.E., Findlay, H.S., Spicer, J.I., Daniels, C.L., and
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