Geoscience Reference
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could compromise aquaculture efforts around the
world, reducing production as demand for seafood
rises with population. In addition, negative impacts
on larvae could place a greater reliance on cultured
larvae rather than natural seeding. For example,
recent failures of oyster reproduction for both natu-
ral and cultured larvae in the Pacii c Northwest
appear to be linked strongly to low-pH waters (Feely
et al. 2010 ). Chapter 13 gives a broader discussion of
the societal impacts of ocean acidii cation.
Will the effects of ocean acidii cation on ecosys-
tem function be comparable to those of other anthro-
pogenic environmental changes? Overi shing has
had very large effects on the distribution and abun-
dance of marine i sh communities across the globe
( Pauly et al. 2003) and, at least at present, is exerting
greater inl uence on the function of marine ecosys-
tems than ocean acidii cation. In terrestrial systems,
the effects of climate change are expected to be sec-
ond only to land-use changes in the projected rapid
decline in terrestrial biodiversity by 2100, with
somewhat smaller effects of elevated CO 2 levels
( Sala et al. 2000 ). Anthropogenic activities including
fossil fuel emissions, pollutants, and nutrient addi-
tions to coastal and open-ocean waters are all
expected to increase through much of this century
and drive increasingly negative impacts on the
function of ocean ecosystems (Doney 2010).
Ecologists are now developing innovative methods
to move forward from short-term, single-species
studies that have provided important information on
species' responses to ocean acidii cation, to experi-
mental approaches that capture longer-term, ecosys-
tem-level effects and provide predictions of future
ecosystem responses useful for resource managers
and other stakeholders (Fig. 10.4). The design of
experiments that integrate the effects of multiple
environmental factors (e.g. warming, ocean acidii -
cation, eutrophication) on population and ecosystem
performance is challenging, but is essential to gain
an understanding of the real-world effects of ocean
acidii cation. Multispecies responses to ocean acidii -
cation, in combination with other stressors, may be
considerably different from results extrapolated from
single-species, single-factor studies. For example,
experimental approaches that examine linkages
between physiological responses to ocean acidii ca-
tion and long-term organism performance and
activity, particularly in the context of multispecies
interactions would move beyond simpler mechanis-
tic studies of physiological performance. A greater
understanding of the potential for adaptation by
individual species and entire communities are also
important elements of future research programmes.
Longer-term experiments, preferably including mul-
tiple factors and encompassing multispecies com-
High CO 2
(Ocean acidification / Warming)
Ecosystem value
Figure 10.4 Integration of ocean acidii cation research activities. Experimental studies concerning the effects of ocean acidii cation and warming, or
other environmental changes, on individuals to communities will provide input for understanding and modelling the effects on population processes and
ecosystem function. Ultimately, integrated research and outreach will provide information for various stakeholders and society.
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