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species which has the greatest oxygen uptake, in
line with our original prediction. It is concluded
therefore that support for the 'increased metabo-
lism' hypothesis as a way of differentiating infauna
from epifauna is currently equivocal.
study by Batten and Bamber (1996) was there dis-
ruption of the burrowing behaviour. Similarly, bio-
turbation by the brittlestar Amphiura i liformis is not
affected on exposure to a pH NBS of 7.7 or 7.3 for 40
days (Wood et al. 2009). Finally, for the polychaetes
Hyalinoecia tubicola and Diopatra cuprea , which
inhabit tubes in soft sediments, exposure to hyper-
capnia (pH NBS = 7.5) causes no signii cant differ-
ences in the frequency or duration of respiratory
irrigation (Dales et al. 1970 ).
9.5.3 Greater tolerance to hypercapnia in
terms of survival and behaviour
As mentioned above, tolerance to hypercapnia is
assumed to be a feature of infaunal organisms.
Certainly the spatangoid heart urchin Echinocardium
cordatum shows no mortality in sediments exposed
to acidii ed water (7 weeks at pH NBS = 7.5; Dashi eld
et al. 2008 ). Widdicombe et al. ( 2009 ) noted the per-
sistence of capitellid worms in mesocosms exposed
to extreme hypercapnia (pH NBS < 6) for over 1
month. The same was true for Nereis virens in previ-
ous acidii cation experiments (Batten and Bamber
1996 ; Widdicombe and Needham 2007 ) with no
observed deleterious effects observed at pH NBS as
low as 6.5. However, these few observations of
apparently CO 2 -tolerant burrowing species should
not be extrapolated to the entire infaunal commu-
nity. Using data extracted from Ries et al. ( 2009 ) it
can be shown that there is no pattern in CO 2 -related
mortality when comparing infaunal ( Mya arenaria
and Mercenaria mercenaria ) with epifaunal ( Mytilus
edulis and Argopecten irradians ) bivalves. Admittedly,
such a comparison was not the aim of their study
but the data still call for some explanation. It is
interesting, in this connection, that Knoll et al. ( 2007 ;
see also Chapter 4) supported their hypothesis of a
link between the end-Permian extinction and hyper-
capnia with geological evidence that the extinction
of epifaunal bivalves was double that of infaunal
species. The underlying assumption is that infaunal
bivalves were already used to higher CO 2 in their
burrows than their epifaunal counterparts.
The number of behavioural studies is limited, but
it seems that hypercapnia does not affect the behav-
iour of some infaunal organisms. For example, there
was no effect of seawater acidii cation (5 weeks,
pH NBS = 7.21-7.30) on the burrowing activity or the
mortality of N. virens , a polychaete worm which
creates a semi-permanent U-shaped burrow
(Widdicombe and Needham 2007). Only at the
extremely low pH (pH NBS < 6.5) used in an earlier
9.5.4 Reduction in reliance on calcii cation for
skeleton or shell construction
There is little doubt that some infaunal soft-bodied
species can show a high level of tolerance to hyper-
capnia. Studies by Batten and Bamber (1996) and
Widdicombe and Needham (2007), both on the bur-
rowing polychaete worm N. virens , suggest that an
infaunal organism can tolerate seawater with a
pH NBS down to 6.5. Similarly, the nemertean
Procephalothrix , which inhabits coarse sand or lives
beneath stones in the intertidal zone, is tolerant of
pH NBS in the range 5.0 to 9.2, at least over short (96
h) time periods (Yanfang and Shichun 2006). Are
there infaunal species or groups with closely related
epifaunal representatives where there is a reduction
in reliance on calcii cation for producing skeletal or
defensive structures? There does not appear to be
any such reduction in bivalves, although it could be
argued that the tests of infaunal echinoids are con-
siderably thinner and less substantial than epifau-
nal forms. A recent study (Ries et al. 2009 ) has
compared rates of net calcii cation in a large number
of animal groups including infaunal and epifaunal
forms, one of the i rst studies of this kind. The results
are equivocal and no dei nitive pattern between
infaunal and epifaunal species can be discerned. The
response of the rate of calcii cation under elevated
CO 2 concentrations of the infaunal clams Mya are-
naria and Mercenaria mercinaria is different. The
former exhibits a negative rate, the latter a threshold
response. Of the two epifaunal species, Argopecten
irradians shows a negative rate and Mytilus edulis
shows a neutral response (see Table 1 in Ries et al.
2009). Finally, in the infaunal brittlestar Amphiura
i liformis , arm regeneration increases at low pH
whereas no such effect is detectable (at comparable
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