Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Semibalanus balanoides
C O 2 : 409-423; 1109-1132
30 days
No signii cant effect of CO 2 and/or T was observed in mean growth rates.
Elevated temperature increased mortality, but there was no signii cant
effect of CO 2 on the survival of this species.
pH NBS : 8.05-8.07; 7.71-7.73
Ω c : 2.4-2.9; 1.5
Arbacia lixula , Paracentrotus lividus
p CO 2 : 334; 957; 20812
Volcanic vent
Abundance was signii cantly reduced at average intermediate pH levels which
reach pH T minima of 7.4-7.5.
pH T : 8.14; 7.83; 6.57
Ω a : 3.91; 2.43; 0.19
Net calcii cation rate (wt% d - 1 ) increased linearly between Ω a 0.7 to 1.3,
but decreased at higher Ω a treatments.
Arbacia punctulata
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Centrostephanus rodgersii
p CO 2 : 324-335; 801-851;
15 min
Percentage fertilization was not signii cantly affected by CO 2 or temperature
treatments ranging from 18 to 26°C.
1033-1104; 1695-1828
pH U : 8.25; 7.9; 7.8; 7.6
Ω a : 3.20-3.99; 1.64-2.10;
1.33-1.72; 0.87-1.13
Crossaster papposus
C O 2 : 372; 930
38 days
Lavae and juveniles grew faster under elevated CO 2 compared with ambient
conditions with no apparent negative effects.
pH U : 8.1; 7.7
Ω a : 2.0; 1.0
Echinometra mathaei
C O 2 : ambient; 500; 1000;
2000; 5000; 10000
5 months
No signii cant effect was observed in the percentage of fertilized eggs in the
pH U range 7.33-8.11. At pH U < 7.2 a signii cant reduction was observed.
pH U : 8.11; 7.80; 7.71; 7.33;
7.12; 6.79
Echinometra mathaei
p H U : 7.936-7.945;
6 months
In the initial stages of the experiment, growth rates were not signii cantly
different between different pH treatments, but diverged in weeks 12 to
16. For one experimental run, sea urchins started to lose weight. Mortality
rates were variable in different experimental runs ranging from increased
mortality under low pH to no signii cant difference between treatment and
control conditions.
Net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) increased between Ω a 0.7 and 1.3 and
remained relatively constant between Ω a 1.3 and 2.5.
Eucidaris tribuloides
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Evechinus chloroticus
p H NBS : 7 treatments of pH
between 6.0 and 8.1
(survival expt);
9-13 days
Survival of larvae ranged from 71 to 88% between pH NBS 6.5 and 8.1. 100%
mortality was observed in pH NBS 6.0. Growth and calcii cation of larvae
were reduced by 4.2% and 30.6%, respectively, in pH NBS 7.7 compared
with pH NBS 8.1. The morphology of larvae appeared unaffected.
pH NBS : 8.1; 7.7 (growth expt)
(continued )
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