Geoscience Reference
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Coral calcii cation decreased by 0.1 mg CaCO 3 g - 1 day - 1 per 0.1 unit decrease
in pH. The rate of calcii cation was most strongly correlated with pH, [CO 3 2 - ],
and Ω a . A hyperbolic relationship was observed between calcii cation and
[CO 3 2 - ] (and Ω a ) suggesting a Michaelis-Menten dependence of calcii cation
on [CO 3 2 - ]. Photosynthesis was not affected by changes in pH and p CO 2 alone,
but signii cantly increased owing to a 2 mM bicarbonate addition.
Stylophora pistillata
p CO 2 : 293-2367
8 days
pH SWS : 7.56-8.19
Ω a : 1.54-9.39
Stylophora pistillata
p CO 2 : 450-470; 734-798
5 weeks
Net photosynthesis and respiration normalized per unit protein decreased and
remained unchanged, respectively, in response to elevated p CO 2 .
Photosynthesis increased owing to a warming of 3ºC. Calcii cation decreased
by 50% under high CO 2 combined with high-T treatment, but was not
affected by CO 2 under ambient temperature.
pH SWS : 8.02-8.04; 7.83-7.86
Ca 2+
Stylophora pistillata
Ω a : 0.98; 1.95; 2.93;
3.90; 5.85
20 days
Nonlinear decrease in calcii cation rate as a function of decreasing aragonite
saturation state. Saturation state was altered by manipulating calcium
Tubinaria reniformis
p CO 2 : 407-416; 857-882
8 days
Statistically signii cant reduction in calcii cation rate by 13% under
high CO 2 .
pH SWS : 8.06; 7.75-7.76
Ω a : 4.37-4.43; 2.26-2.33
Temperate and deep-sea corals
Astrangia poculata
C O 2 : 390; 780
6 months
Calcii cation rates of corals exposed to elevated CO 2 were lower than for
corals exposed to ambient conditions. However, no signii cant difference was
observed when high CO 2 was combined with elevated nutrient conditions.
pH T : 8.03; 7.78
Ω a : 3.0; 1.8
Cladocora caespitosa
p CO 2 : 381-423; 407-475;
693-713; 733-779
1 yr
High- p CO 2 conditions did not have a signii cant effect on calcii cation and
photosynthetic rates, which seemed to be more dependent on temperature.
[66, 67]
pH T : 8.06-8.10; 8.01-8.07;
7.87-7.88; 7.84-7.86
Ω a :3.04-3.77; 3.17-3.86;
1.96-2.68; 2.10-2.78
Lophelia pertusa
p CO 2 : 352; 386; 568; 827
24 h
Intermediate- and low-pH conditions resulted in a reduction in calcii cation
by 30 and 56%, respectively. Fast-growing, young polyps were affected
more than older, slower-growing polyps (-59% compared with -40%).
Positive net calcii cation was observed at Ω a < 1.
pH NBS : 8.1; 8.1; 7.91; 7.76
Ω a : 2.25; 1.89; 1.40; 1.02
Madracis pharencis
p H U : 8.0-8.3; 7.3-7.6
12 months
Complete dissolution of skeleton at low pH, but polyps maintained basic
life functions skeleton-less. Corals started calcifying and forming colonies
when returned to normal seawater conditions.
(continued )
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