Geoscience Reference
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Argopecten irradians
Increased net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) as a function of increasing Ω a .
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Crassostrea ariakensis
p CO 2 : 291; 386; 581; 823
28 days
No signii cant changes in growth, calcii cation, and shell thickness were
observed in response to increasing CO 2 .
pH NBS : 8.17; 8.08; 7.92; 7.79
Ω a : 1.3; 1.1; 0.8; 0.6
Crassostrea gigas
p CO 2 : 698-2774
2 h
Signii cant decreased calcii cation as a function of increasing CO 2 and
decreasing pH.
pH NBS : 8.07-7.55
Ω a : 3.1-1.1
Crassostrea gigas
p CO 2 : 348; 2268
48 h
Inhibition of shell synthesis and reduced larval size during early development
in high-CO 2 treatment .
pH NBS : 8.21; 7.42
Ω a : 3.0; 0.68
Crassostrea gigas
p H NBS : 8.08-8.21; 7.81-7.86
1 h
No signii cant effect of low pH on sperm swimming speed, sperm motility,
or fertilization kinetics.
Increased net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) as a function of increasing Ω a .
Crassostrea virginica
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Crassostrea virginica
p CO 2 : 284; 389; 572; 840
28 days
Shell area decreased by 16% and calcium content 42% in the highest CO 2
treatment relative to the lowest. No signii cant difference was observed in
shell thickness.
pH NBS : 8.16; 8.06; 7.91; 7.76
Ω a : 1.2; 1.0; 0.8; 0.6
Crassostrea virginica
p H NBS : 12 treatments between pH
7.41 and 8.29
<15 h
In general, calcii cation rates decreased as a function of decreasing pH.
The interaction of T , S, and pH was not signii cant but the two-way interaction
of T or S with pH was signii cant.
Ω c : 0.31-4.62
Net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) increased linearly between Ω a 0.7 and 1.5
but decreased in the high-Ω a treatment .
Crepidula fornicata
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Haliotis coccoradiata
p CO 2 : 324-335; 801-851;
1033-1104; 1695-1828
15 min
Per cent fertilization was not signii cantly affected by CO 2 or T treatments
ranging from 18 to 26°C.
pH U : 8.25; 7.9; 7.8; 7.6
Ω a : 3.20-3.99; 1.64-2.10;
1.33-1.72; 0.87-1.13
Calcii cation rate increased linearly (wt% day - 1 ) as a function of
increasing Ω a .
Littorina littorea
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) increased between Ω a 0.7 and 1.5 but
remained relatively constant between Ω a 1.5 and 2.5.
Mercenaria mercenaria
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Mercenaria mercenaria
p H U : 7.8; 7.1
21 days
Per cent mortality of bivalves of varying sizes (0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0 mm) ranged
from 11.8, 4.8, 1.9, and 1.1% day - 1 in low-Ω a conditions .
Ω a : 1.5; 0.3
(continued )
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