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2003), may not provide the best simulation of the
ecological dynamics observed in many subpolar
regimes, which are characterized by strong non-
steady-state behaviour.
to increased CO 2 levels than those with less efi cient
CCMs (Burkhardt et al. 2001 ; Rost et al. 2003 ). Because
the sensitivity to carbon enrichment differs widely
among taxa, rising CO 2 levels will alter competitive
relationships and result in shifts of plankton species
composition (see below; Rost et al. 2008 ).
Stimulating effects of elevated CO 2 on photosyn-
thesis and carbon i xation have been observed in a
variety of phytoplankton taxa (Table 6.1), including
diatoms, coccolithophores, cyanobacteria, and dino-
l agellates. No effect of elevated p CO 2 on organic
matter production was observed in the two coccol-
ithophore species Coccolithus pelagicus and Calci-
discus leptoporus ( Langer et al. 2006 ). The only study
showing decreasing organic matter production at
elevated p CO 2 in Emiliania huxleyi was conducted in
chemostats under nitrate limitation (Sciandra et al.
2003). Modest increases (~10%) in growth and pro-
ductivity in response to elevated pCO 2 were also
observed in natural phytoplankton assemblages
( Hein and Sand-Jensen 1997 ; Tortell et al. 2002 ,
2008). In a mesocosm study the net drawdown of
inorganic carbon by primary production was 27%
and 39% higher at 700 μatm and 1050 μatm com-
pared with 350 μatm (Riebesell et al. 2007 ; Bellerby
et al. 2008), whereas increases in net community
production of only 8% and 15% were estimated
based on day-time 14 C primary production meas-
urements from the same mesocosm experiment
( Egge et al. 2009). In this study no CO 2 /pH effect
was observed on community respiration rate.
In summary, investigations on both individual
species and natural assemblages of phytoplankton
reveal CO 2 fertilization of photosynthetic carbon
i xation and rates of production of organic matter.
While few individual phytoplankton species appear
to be insensitive to ocean acidii cation, studies on
natural phytoplankton assemblages consistently
show increased carbon i xation in response to ele-
vated p CO 2 . The magnitude of this stimulation is,
however, relatively small compared with the stimu-
lation of plankton growth by iron enrichment in
iron-limited waters.
6.3 Direct effects of ocean acidii cation
on planktonic organisms
Photosynthesis and carbon i xation
In the oceans, photosynthesis, the formation of
organic matter using energy from sunlight, is car-
ried out chiel y by microscopic phytoplankton. For
this purpose, these single-cell organisms must
acquire, from surface seawater, inorganic carbon
and a suite of major and trace nutrients, including
nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace metals such as iron.
CO 2 rather than the much more abundant bicarbo-
nate ion, HCO 3 - , is the substrate used in the 'carbon
i xation' step of photosynthesis that is catalyzed by
the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase
oxygenase (RubisCO). This enzyme has an intrinsi-
cally low afi nity for CO 2 , achieving half saturation
of carbon i xation at CO 2 concentrations well
above those present in seawater (Badger et al. 1998 ).
To overcome RubisCO's low afi nity, CO 2 must
be concentrated at the site of i xation, an energy-
consuming process. Because CO 2 diffuses readily
through biological membranes and leaks out of the
cell it is expected that an increase in the CO 2 concen-
tration of surface seawater will reduce CO 2 leakage,
which in some phytoplankton groups facilitates
photosynthesis and can lead to an increase in pri-
mary production (i.e. the rate of synthesis of organic
matter per unit time and unit area of the ocean).
This theoretical expectation is supported by both
laboratory and i eld experiments (see below).
The extent to which phytoplankton may respond
to increased CO 2 (decreased pH) is likely to depend,
to a signii cant extent, on the physiological mecha-
nisms of inorganic carbon uptake and intracellular
assimilation. Primary producers in the marine realm
encompass phylogenetically very diverse groups
( Falkowski et al. 2004), from prokaryotes to
angiosperms, differing widely in their photosyn-
thetic apparatus and carbon enrichment systems
( Giordano et al. 2005). Species with effective carbon-
concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) are less sensitive
The cell division rate
No consistent response to ocean acidii cation has
been obtained with respect to phytoplankton cell
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