Databases Reference
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public Schedule GetScheduleProperties(string ScheduleID );
Public Function GetScheduleProperties(ByVal ScheduleID As String) As Schedule
This method is described in the documentation. It supposedly returns the current date and time of the
computer that is running the report server scheduler. It exists in the internal Reporting Server classes but
is not exposed through the WSDL-generated proxy class.
public DateTime GetServerDateTime();
Public Function GetServerDateTime()
The GetSubscriptionProperties method returns a subscription and the associated information for a
specified report in the Reporting Server database. The required parameters are the name of the report, a
delivery extension object, a string to hold a user-friendly description, an Event object, and match data
that is needed by the EventType object. It also returns a string representing the owner of the subscrip-
tion. All of the parameters except the subscription have no initial value but return the settings for the
subscription after the method executes.
public string GetSubscriptionProperties(string SubscriptionID ,[out] ref
ExtensionSettings ExtensionSettings, [out] ref string Description , [out] ref
ActiveState Active , [out] ref string Status , [out] ref string EventType , [out] ref
string MatchData , [out] ref ParameterValue[] Parameters );
Public Function GetSubscriptionProperties(ByVal SubscriptionID As String,[out]
ByRef ExtensionSettings As ExtensionSettings, [out] ByRef Description As String,
[out] ByRef Active As ActiveState, [out] ByRef Status As String, [out] ByRef
EventType As String, [out] ByRef MatchData As String, [out] ByRef Parameters As
ParameterValue()) as String
This retrieves a string array representing the system permissions of the current user. An example of a
valid permission is the Create Roles permission.
public string[] GetSystemPermissions();
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