Databases Reference
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Public Function GetCacheOptions(ByVal Report As String, [out] ByRef Expiration As
ExpirationDefinition) As Boolean
This method returns the properties of a data-driven subscription. The required parameter is the ID of the
subscription. The other parameters are declared but not initialized. They will be returned with valid val-
ues representing the settings of the subscription. They are the extension settings, the data retrieval plan,
a description of the subscription, the current status of the subscription, the type of event that causes the
subscription to fire, and the match data for the event.
public string GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(string DataDrivenSubscriptionID ,
[out] ExtensionSettings ExtensionSettings , [out] DataRetrievalPlan
DataRetrievalPlan , [out] string Description , [out] ActiveState Active , [out]
string Status , [out] string EventType , [out] string MatchData , [out] ref
ParameterValueOrFieldReference[] Parameters );
Public Function GetDataDrivenSubscriptionProperties(ByVal DataDrivenSubscriptionID
As String,[out] ByRef ExtensionSettings As ExtensionSettings, [out] ByRef
DataRetrievalPlan As DataRetrievalPlan, [out] ByRef Description As String, [out]
ByRef Active As ActiveState, [out] ByRef Status As String, [out] ByRef EventType As
String, [out] ByRef MatchData As String, [out] ByRef Parameters As
GetDataSourceContents returns a DataSourceDefinition object representing the contents of a data
source. The required parameter is the name of the data source.
public DataSourceDefinition GetDataSourceContents(string DataSource );
Public Function GetDataSourceContents(ByVal DataSource As String) As
This method returns the execution options and associated settings for an individual report. The required
parameters are the name of the report and an uninitialized ScheduleDefinition object. This object will
be returned with its properties set to the values for the report. The return value is an enum datatype that
indicates whether the report is based on live data or a snapshot.
public ExecutionSettingEnum GetExecutionOptions(string Report , [out]
ScheduleDefinitionOrReference Schedule );
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