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<add name=”DefaultTraceSwitch” value=”3” />
<add name=”FileName” value=”ReportServerService_” />
<add name=”FileSizeLimitMb” value=”32” />
<add name=”KeepFilesForDays” value=”14” />
<add name=”Prefix” value=”tid, time” />
<add name=”TraceListeners” value=”debugwindow, file” />
<add name=”TraceFileMode” value=”unique” />
<add name=”Components” value=”all” />
<legacyImpersonationPolicy enabled=”true”/>
Notice the child element of the switches tag. Right now, the DefaultTraceSwitch has a value of 3 .
This means quite a bit of detail is going to be written to the log. Possible values for this setting are in the
next table:
This sets how much detail is
0 = Disables tracing
written to the trace log files.
1 = Logs exceptions and restarts
Unless you have a good reason
2 = Logs exceptions, restarts,
to turn it off, it's best to leave
tracing enabled.
3 = Logs exceptions, restarts,
warnings, status messages
4 = Verbose mode
This is the max size for trace logs,
0 to max integer (a way big
in megabytes.
number); the default is 32.
The life span in days for the trace
0 to max integer again; the default
log files. After that, it's deleted.
for this one is 14.
Status messages are generated through normal processing. The log files can get quite large, if not kept
under control. Changing the DefaultTraceSwitch value to 2 will slow the rate at which the files grow,
while still giving you a good degree of information when things start behaving badly.
While you can modify the config file to rename the log file or increase or decrease
trace levels, don't modify any of the other settings.
Performance Counters
Reporting Services includes performance counters for the two core Report Server functions: the Report
Server Web service and the Windows service. Remember that the Report Server handles report process-
ing, and the Windows service is responsible for report scheduling and delivery.
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