Databases Reference
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Just a quick aside: As in the Business Scorecard example, I have simply added the images to the cells in
the table header. If you want to use transparent images over a colored or shaded background, you will
need to add rectangles to the header cells and then place images in the rectangles.
Figure 7-52 shows the Report Parameters dialog with two parameters defined: SortField and
SortDirection . For the report to render when it is first viewed, all parameters must have a default
value. Since the parameters will be set when the user clicks the column header text, no other values need
to be provided here.
Figure 7-52
Next, I set the navigation properties for each column header text box separately. When the text box is
clicked, the report navigates back to itself. I click the Parameters button on the Textbox Properties dialog
Navigation tab to open the Parameters dialog shown in Figure 7-53. For each column header, the
SortField parameter will be set to the name of the appropriate field and the SortDirection is set
using an expression that toggles its value between “Ascending” and “Descending.”
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