Databases Reference
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The SWITCH() function accepts an unlimited number of expression and value pairs. The last argument
accepts a value that is returned if none of the expressions resolve to True. I can use this in place of the
previous nested IIF() example:
=SWITCH( Fields!Quantity.Value < Fields!ReorderPoint.Value, “Red”,
Fields!ListPrice.Value > 100, “Blue”, 1=1, “Black” )
Unlike the IIF() function, there is no “FalsePart” value. Each expression and return value is passed
as a pair. The first expression in the list that evaluates to True causes the function to stop processing and
return a value. This is why I included the expression “1=1” . Since this expression will always evaluate
to True, this becomes the catch-all expression that returns “Black” if no other expressions are True.
Visual Basic .NET supports many of the old-style VBScript and VB 6.0 functions as well as newer over-
load method calls. In short, this means that there may be more than one way to perform the same action.
The following table contains a few other Visual Basic functions that may prove to be useful in basic
report expressions.
Returns a string value
=FORMAT(Fields!TheDate.Value, “d”)
formatted using a regular
=FORMAT(Fields!TheDate.Value, “mm/d/yy”)
expression format code or
pattern. Similar to the Format
property but can be
concatenated with other
string values.
Returns a specified number
=MID(Fields!TheString.Value, 3, 5)
of characters from a specified
LEFT() and
=LEFT(Fields!TheString.Value, 5)
position (if using MID() ) and
=Fields!TheString.Value.SUBSTRING(2, 5)
.SUBSTRING() for a specific length. You can
also use the .SUBSTRING()
Returns an integer for the first
=INSRT(Fields!TheString.Value, “,”)
character position of one
string within another string.
Often used with MID() or
SUBSTRING() to parse strings.
Converts any value to a string =CSTR(Fields!TheNumber.Value)
type. Consider using the
newer TOSTRING() method.
Type conversion function
similar to CSTR(0) used to
=CTYPE(Fields!TheString.Value, Date)
convert any compatible value
to an explicit data type.
Consider using the newer
CTYPE() function to convert
to an explicit type.
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