Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-25
An interesting fact is that there is no such thing as a drop-down check box list in HTML. So, how is this
possible? This feature is implemented using some very creative JavaScript programming. Finally, the
rendered report is displayed in Figure 5-26.
Figure 5-26
Notice that the collapsed parameter list shows a comma-delimited list of subcategory name values
rather than the key values that were passed into the query. This is because the list displays the selected
members using the Label property rather than the Value property of the parameter.
Here's an interesting challenge: I told you that the query parameter returned a comma-delimited
list of selected values to use with the IN() SQL function. I would like to display a similar list,
perhaps of the user-friendly Label values in the report header to document the selected items
from the parameter list. However, when I reference the parameter in an expression (using either
Parameters!ProductSubCategories.Value or Parameters!ProductSubCategories.Label),
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