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Examining an HTTP Response.
HTTP responses can also be examined using WireShark. Figure 2.10 shows the response
packet from the logo GIF file.
Figure 2.10: An HTTP Response
As seen in Figure 2.10 there are a different set of headers that come back from the
server. For example there is a header named Server , which tells what version of a web
server I am running the HTTP Recipes site from. As seen in Figure 2.10, the HTTP recipes
site is running Apache 2.0.
Reassembled PDU
Sometimes the packet will not arrive in one piece. Instead, the packet arrives as several
Protocol Data Units (PDU). WireShark will try to reassemble these units back into a single
packet. Such a packet is called a reassembled PDU. This packet can be seen on the second
row of Figure 2.5. Selecting the reassembled PDU produces Figure 2.11.
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