Java Reference
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Additionally, the thread pool is started with CallerRunsPolicy . This policy speci-
fies that once there is no more room to queue new tasks, the thread pool begins running new
tasks with the main thread. This allows us to make use of all threads and also throttles the
spider when it gets too much work. Since the main thread will be processing work when the
queue fills, the main thread will not have a chance to generate more work. Once the queue
goes down, the main thread is allowed to continue filling up the queue.
The queue is a SynchronousQueue , which is a Java class that holds waiting tasks
for the spider. The Java thread pool requires that some sort of BlockingQueue be used
to hold the workload.
this.tasks = new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>();
this.threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(options.corePoolSize,
options.maximumPoolSize, options.keepAliveTime,
new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
If any filters were specified, they are loaded at this point.
// Add filters.
if (options.filter != null) {
for (String name : options.filter) {
SpiderFilter filter = (SpiderFilter)
Finally, we are ready to perform the startup operation that was specified in the
SpiderOptions configuration. If the user requests STARUP_RESUME then the
workload manager is instructed to set up the resume from the last spider run. Otherwise, the
workload will be cleared.
// Perform startup.
if (options.startup.equalsIgnoreCase(
SpiderOptions.STARTUP_RESUME)) {
} else {
After the constructor completes, the spider is ready to run. The Heaton Research Spider
is designed that you should create a new Spider object for each spider that runs.
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