Java Reference
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private boolean cancel = false;
* The workload manager, the spider can use any of several
* different workload managers. The workload manager
* tracks all URL's found.
private WorkloadManager workloadManager;
* The Java thread executor that will manage the thread
* pool.
private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool;
* The BlockingQueue that will hold tasks for the thread
* pool.
private BlockingQueue<Runnable> tasks;
* The options for the spider.
private SpiderOptions options;
* Filters used to block specific URL's.
private List<SpiderFilter> filters =
new ArrayList<SpiderFilter>();
* The time that the spider began.
private Date startTime;
* The time that the spider ended.
private Date stopTime;
* Construct a spider object. The options parameter
* specifies the options for this spider. The report
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