Java Reference
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Otherwise, add the item to the attributes collection.
attributes.put(nodename, RSS.getXMLText(node));
The attributes collection stores all of the attributes that were loaded with the
<channel> element.
Parse an RSS Format Date
The RSS standard specifies a very specific format for dates. The parseDate method
of the RSS class converts these dates to Java Date objects. As previously mentioned, the
following is the format that RSS expects a date to be in.
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 04:00:00 GMT
To parse the date, the SimpleDateFormat class of Java is used. The
SimpleDateFormat object is constructed to accept a date that matches the above for-
mat. Once the date is parsed, it is returned.
DateFormat formatter =
new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z");
Date date = (Date) formatter.parse(datestr);
return date;
If an error occurs while parsing the date, then a value of null is returned for the date.
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
This method is made static so that it can be called directly from the RSSItem
The RSSItem Class
The RSSItem class is the class that holds individual RSS items, or articles. The
RSSItem class also holds all of the attributes that were parsed from each of the <item>
elements in the RSS feed. You may view the RSSItem class below in Listing 12.4.
Listing 12.4: The RSSItem Class (
package com.heatonresearch.httprecipes.rss;
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