Java Reference
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The process method is called to download a state's information. The process
method is passed a variable, named state, that contains the code for the state that is to be
The process method begins by constructing a URL to which the XML request will
be posted.
URL url = new URL("");
Next, the XML request is constructed.
String request = "<request type=\"state\"><code>"+state
A connection is opened, and the request is posted to the web server.
URLConnection http = url.openConnection();
OutputStream os = http.getOutputStream();
InputStream is = http.getInputStream();
The response will be in XML format, as discussed earlier. Java contains many classes to sup-
port the parsing of XML. To do this, we must first create a DocumentBuilderFactory .
Once a DocumentBuilderFactory is constructed, we can pass it the
InputStream from the HTTP connection. The XML from the InputStream will be
parsed and loaded into a Document object. The Document implements the Document
Object Model (DOM) for Java. As already discussed, the DOM allows Java to parse XML and
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newIn-
Document d = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(is);
The root element is obtained from the DOM.
Element e = d.getDocumentElement();
The getXMLNode function is called to obtain the state node from the XML. The
implementation of the getXMLNode function will be explained later in this chapter. The
getXMLAttribute function is also called to read the id attribute from the state
Node stateNode = getXMLNode(e,"state");
String id = getXMLAttribute(stateNode,"id");
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