Java Reference
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The str variable will hold the header names as they are read in. The variable n will
keep count of which header we are currently processing.
String str;
int n = 1;
The do/while loop will look until a null header is found. A null header indicates
that there are no more headers to read. Each header is read and checked to see if it is a
Set-Cookie header.
str = http.getHeaderFieldKey(n);
if( (str!=null) && str.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie"))
If it is a Set-Cookie header, then the cookie is parsed and saved in cookie map. The
cookie map is a Java Map collection that maps cookie names to their values.
str = http.getHeaderField(n);
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str,"=");
String name = tok.nextToken();
String value = tok.nextToken();
map.put(name, value);
Next, the loadCookies method moves on to the next header.
} while(str!=null);
This process continues until all headers have been processed.
Sending Cookies from the Browser
Once the cookies have been loaded by the loadCookies method, they must be
attached to future server requests. This is the job of the saveCookies method. The
cookie name-value pairs for a given site will be concatenated together. The saveCookies
method begins by declaring a StringBuilder that will hold the Cookie header until it
is completely constructed.
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
Next, we iterate over all of the cookie names. As the “for each” loop passes over each
cookie in the collection the key variable will hold each cookie's name.
Set<String> set = map.keySet();
for(String key:set)
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